Customer Interaction 1 / 12 What is the purpose of the pre-call? A. To let the customer know you are on the way B. To make sure they are home C. So you don't waste your time 2 / 12 Always ensure you keep your workspace clean and orderly A. True B. False 3 / 12 Before leaving, why should you ask additional questions? A. Because your supervisor said to B. You shouldn't C. To ensure the customer understands their service fully 4 / 12 Why should you keep the customer informed? A. You shouldn't B. So they will know what you are doing and what access you will need C. The least you talk the better 5 / 12 Why should you thank the customer? A. For not bothering you B. For the tip C. For choosing COX 6 / 12 How should you present yourself? A. As a busy person B. Seem disgruntled and the customer will not ask questions C. Open and professional manner 7 / 12 You should always have a courteous, professional attitude. A. False B. True 8 / 12 As you finalize the work what should you do? A. Complain about your job B. Take a smoke break C. Ensure all services are working 9 / 12 Gaining the customer's trust is important. A. True B. False 10 / 12 Trouble shooting is a waste of time. A. True B. False 11 / 12 A pre-call should not be done. A. False B. True 12 / 12 You should always park in the customer's driveway. A. True B. False Your score is